NSC writing classes online
Save the commute and join us from the comfort of your home.
Registration for Fall Quarter is now open. I’m teaching:
- The Secrets of Powerful Writing, Oct. 1-22
- Writing a Short Memoir, Nov. 6-20
Scroll down for more info or see the Teaching and Coaching page of this website.
Check out all the NSC Continuing Ed offerings at learnatnorth.org
Birding at Brightwater Blog
I recently had a chance to combine my love of birding and writing by helping with a King County bog on birding at the Brightwater Wastewater Treatment Plant. Kudos to Glenn Landberg for his excellent writing and photography!
Looking for something uplifting to read? Check out my ebook
“Praying with Creation: Meditations for a time of climate change” is available on Amazon. Find it here
Join Write Night online
Join us from wherever in the world you happen to be! Write Night meets online via Zoom on Thursdays from 6:15-7:45 pm. Share your writing–up to 1,000 words–with your fellow writers and get suggestions and encouragement.